I think that those of us who drive will have experienced some terrible actions from other drivers at some point or other. Whether it’s someone driving too close to us or cutting in too early we all have tales to tell. But nowadays it is also possible to show others what happened. Some people even like to share these happenings online but the morality of that is not for discussion here. The way to do this is to install a camera on our windscreen and record what goes on in front of us. This was an expensive thing to do until recently but now you can buy a vehicle camera, or dashcam as they are commonly known, for under £20.
A DashCam For Less Than £20!
That doesn’t sound possible does it but on their page of security products, Edwardes Brothers have a dashcam listed on their website at £15.99 +vat. Not only do you get the camera but also included is an 8GB SD card, a mount for attaching it to your windscreen and a cable to power it from your cigar lighter socket.
That is very good value for money which in the event of an unfortunate accident could easily pay for itself many times over. Most insurance companies now accept film footage from these cameras as evidence in disputed accident claims. So if someone bumps your car and claims it was you, you now have proof to show that it wasn’t. This will protect your no claims bonus which is almost certainly worth more than the £20 cost of the camera itself.
Install One In The Front & The Rear
Even better is that at this low price you can also afford to have one installed on your rear window to record what is going on behind you. That may seem a little over the top but it only takes one small incident for it to pay for itself. The camera does come with a lead long enough to reach from your dashboard power outlet to the rear screen so no additional cables are necessary to do that.
Hopefully you will never need it but this camera offers great peace of mind for very little money and it could prove invaluable in the case of an accident.