When purchasing a vehicle, you will always need to make an economic investment large enough to want to make a smart purchase. If you are considering buying a used car, follow these tips to ensure you make a good investment:
When we make a purchase, we mainly look for an item that satisfies some needs and, above all, that it is worth the investment. The same happens with a car, especially because it is a significant sum of money. What we will look for when buying a vehicle is to have some advantages such as having our time by having more independence to move around.
Making this decision responsibly involves reviewing our budget. Remember that, in addition to the payment to be made in the purchase, we will also need to have the economic resource for the maintenance of the vehicle. In many cases, what is within our economic reach is a used car brand, which has some advantages.
According to Santiago Morales, marketing manager of the OLX platform, there are different relevant points for the buyer. “The price allows us to access different styles of vehicles, to opt for a better range than we could if it were new and from an agency,” he says.
Morales adds that, although the price is cheaper, he must also take into account the maintenance investment in his budget. According to Juan Laguardia, a mechanical engineer, this service should be given to the vehicle for its good conservation and to prolong its useful life.
However, although acquiring a car is exciting for us, we cannot get carried away by this; we must be cautious to make a smart purchase. ‘Above all, it is a major purchase in life. The car is the second most valuable object that we can access, after the house, ‘says Morales, so this purchase must be planned.
So, if you decide to buy a used car from a platform on the web, follow these tips:
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Check the information offered by the seller
Through a digital platform, you can save the time you would spend going from agency to agency, but don’t take this decision lightly. ‘Don’t get carried away by emotion, use common sense and take the time to get to know the person selling the vehicle and check it out,’ Morales says.
The first thing to do within the virtual portal is to review the vehicle information, the description, see the photographs in detail and buy if it matches the price they offer. Also take into account the location of the seller, as this will make it easier for you to arrange a meeting with the buyer to check the vehicle and be sure of what you are buying.
If the information you saw on the site convinces you enough and the price fits your budget, seek to establish a serious conversation with the seller
and reach an agreement so that you, when making the payment, have the guarantee that your investment is worth it.
Check the condition of the vehicle
After having agreed on an appointment with the buyer, the first thing to do is check the condition of the vehicle, that it works well. Remember that this could have a fault and cause a traffic accident in which your investment is lost and, in the worst case, some human loss.
Preferably, be accompanied by a mechanic expert you trust. This will allow you to see details that you would probably overlook and that could be relevant to the operation of the vehicle and your company.
The tour
One piece of information that could reveal information about the state of the vehicle is the route, which we can see through the mileage. “A car must travel between 10,000 and 12,000 kilometers a year,” says Morales. Therefore, if it exceeds this average, the car has suffered more wear than it should.
Don’t be fooled by appearance
The above is also a piece of information that could give us the guideline of what use has been made of the car, what is its history, says Morales. Attention, this also gives you the guideline to ask if you have had a collision, check how the steering and suspension system is, as well as find out if you have fines and if the stationery is in order.
Many times, the car appears to be in perfect condition, with the paint intact and without dents, but this does not guarantee that it has never been crashed.
Interior condition
Another element that tells us how the owner has taken care of his vehicle is the interior. Check the upholstery, carpets, and roof of the car. See the stains, if it is in good or bad condition. Remember that this also represents an expense that you will have to subtract from your budget.
Remember that, naturally, tires wear out with their use. See in what condition the vehicle they offer you are in, since, as the carving is completely worn, Morales explains, you will have to buy new ones.
A very important element that a vehicle must-have for the safety of the pilot and his passengers is the airbag system. At the moment of a collision, they react and mitigate the blows. However, even if the vehicle has the bags, “many people are unaware that it has an expiration date, so it is important to check its maintenance and replace it, if necessary,” Morales explains.
Make a contract is a very important purchase
Another suggestion from Morales, because it is a very important purchase, is to make a contract between the buyer and the seller to ensure that both parties comply and that it is a successful purchase.