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Nasdaq Totalview A Higher Profile Perspective

Nasdaq Totalview

NASDAQ TotalView cost revealed today that Nasdaq Simple Canada has been released — a feed that allows investors around the world access to the full spectrum of Canadian shares’ retail quotes and trading data — for Nasdaq Cloud Data Services (NCDS). This feed allows custom access through the cloud-based platform to real-time equities, stocks, reports, indexing and fund info.

For all the stocks listed in the TSX, the TSX Venture and the CSE, Nasdaq Basic Canada blends Nasdaq CXC, CX2 and CXD trading books with up to 60% cost savings relative to other markets. This launch marks the next step in the dedication of Nasdaq to make price finding simple and cost-saving for the general trading public in Canada ‘s primary stock markets. With Nasdaq Simple Canada investors can be assured that they have the same degree of accurate, transparent, coverage and open value for capital.

Adding Nasdaq Simple Canada into the cloud means enhancing access to Canadian business data for sellers and investors looking for real time, “said Nasdaq ‘s Global Information Management Technology Manager Oliver Albers. NASDAQ TotalView cost creates incorporation efficiencies providers and customers with time Canadian share market access info, which dramatically lowers costs and decreases the barrier to users’ penetration by leveraging the online cloud for internet communication.

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TotalView via Nasdaq Access

The consequence is the great advantage of this development into the cloud by investors in Canadian markets. The advantages are equivalent to those provided to holders in the full spectrum of U.S. securities by Nasdaq Simple U.S. Since 2009, taxpayers have been saved more than $270 million in expenses.

Using NCDS, users all over the world can now access Nasdaq data through a collection of highly accessible, cloud -based APIs. These APIs use open source and software development standards (SDK) to easily control engineer efforts, removing the need for computer hardware, proprietary protocols, file formats, and leased tracks. That makes the convergence of data from various sources simple and the market time for customer-designed applications drastically reduced.

In the third quarter of 2020 NASDAQ TotalView cost provides Nasdaq Basic Canada a free trial for all consumers which will improve the cost -efficient use of this useful product. The data feed of Nasdaq Simple Canada can be combined with seller terminals to provide Canadian equities with convenient access to investment.

Nasdaq provides the most detailed market book with all the data required for your investment choices to the next level above level I at more than 20 times the liquidity of Level 2. Nasdaq TotalView — standard Nasdaq data stream for big traders — displays Nasdaq ‘s maximum order book depth, with any price and estimate at all levels of Nasdaq, NYSE, NYSE American and Nasdaq securities. You can check more stocks like NASDAQ: NVDA at before investing.

Disclaimer: The analysis information is for reference only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.

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