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Proven Tips to Reduce Your Car Fuel Consumption
With rising fuel prices, every consumer is seeking pro tips to reduce car fuel consumption to extract more miles out of each liter of fuel. Keep the following proven tips in mind and you will definitely save more on fuel expenses.
Pearl M. Kasirye is a writer at Kemistri.co, editor, and researcher who spends most of her time reading. When she isn’t reading or working, she can be found sitting on her balcony writing her own novels or traveling.
Anticipate & Drive
We’ve to stop and start while driving but the trick is to smoothen the flow. Look at the road in front and watch the flow of traffic. By looking forward to the way traffic moves, you can plan your maneuvers and keep away from redundant acceleration and braking. Spot traffic signals early so that you can get off the throttle and let the vehicle coast to a stop instead of braking hard at the last minute. By driving at a steady speed, you’ll save fuel and even catch up with faster vehicles.
Switch Off
Modern engines come equipped with a fair amount of technology that help to reduce car fuel consumption and do not complain if you restart them regularly. Too much idling not just wastes expensive fuel but even pollutes the environment. These days, the majority of traffic lights display the number of seconds left before the signal turns green. Switch off the engine if you’re going to wait for a considerable amount of time.
Shed Weight & Drag
Every manufacturer seeks to keep the weight of the vehicle as low as possible without having an effect on its safety. When the overall weight of the vehicle of low, there’s less strain on the engine and the energy required is less. A lighter vehicle will use less fuel as compared to a heavier one powered by the same engine. Hence, it is very important to keep the vehicle light wherever possible.
Every car is designed by the manufacturer to be as aerodynamic as possible and in order to make sure that if offers the least amount of drag. However, a roof rack on the car adds to wind resistance.
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