Have you ever encountered a cryptic error message on your Mac that reads “errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=impossible de trouver le raccourci spécifié.&errorcode=4”? If so, you’re not alone. This error, translated from French, indicates an issue where an application is unable to locate a specific shortcut file it requires to function properly.

Fear not, for this guide will equip you with the knowledge and solutions to tackle this error effectively. We’ll delve into the causes, troubleshoot potential fixes, and ensure your Mac applications run smoothly once again.

Understanding the Error Message

Breaking down the message component by component:

  • errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain: This points towards an error originating within the macOS Cocoa frameworks, fundamental building blocks for many applications.
  • errormessage=impossible de trouver le raccourci spécifié: Translated to “impossible to find the specified shortcut,” it signifies the application can’t locate a crucial shortcut file it needs.
  • errorcode=4: While specific error codes can vary by application, code 4 often indicates a general file access issue.

In essence, the application is searching for a shortcut file that serves as a reference point, likely to launch another program, open a specific document, or access a particular location. When this file is missing or inaccessible, the error arises.

Common Causes of “errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=impossible de trouver le raccourci spécifié.&errorcode=4”

Several factors can contribute to this error:

  • Corrupted Shortcut File: Over time, files can become corrupted due to various reasons like unexpected system shutdowns or disk errors. A corrupted shortcut file might render it unusable by the application.
  • Incorrect File Path: The application might be programmed to look for the shortcut file in a specific location. If this location has been changed or the file moved elsewhere, the error will occur.
  • Missing Permissions: In rare instances, the application might lack the necessary permissions to access the shortcut file or the folder containing it.
  • Conflicting Applications: Occasionally, other software or malware can interfere with shortcut files, causing them to become inaccessible.

Troubleshooting Steps to Resolve the Error

Here’s a systematic approach to address the error:

  1. Locate the Missing Shortcut:

    • Identify the application experiencing the error.
    • Try to recall if you recently created a shortcut associated with this application or if one came pre-installed.
    • If you remember the name or location of the shortcut, navigate to it using Finder.
  2. Verify Shortcut File Integrity:

    • If you find the shortcut file, right-click on it and select “Get Info.”
    • Ensure the file size isn’t unusually small or zero, which could indicate corruption.
    • If unsure, try deleting the existing shortcut and recreating it within the application itself (if that option exists).
  3. Check File Path:

    • Refer to the application’s documentation or online resources to determine the expected location of the shortcut file.
    • If the file resides in an unexpected location, move it back to the designated folder.
  4. Grant Permissions (if applicable):

    • In rare cases, the application might require elevated permissions to access the shortcut file. Refer to your system documentation for granting permissions on macOS.
  5. Restart Your Mac:

    • A simple restart can often resolve temporary glitches that might be causing the error.
  6. Reinstall the Application:

    • If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, consider reinstalling the application. This will ensure all necessary files and configurations are in place.
  7. Scan for Malware:

    • While uncommon, malware can sometimes tamper with system files. Running a reputable antivirus program can help identify and eliminate potential threats.
  8. Seek Additional Help:

    • If none of the aforementioned solutions work, consult the application’s developer support resources or online forums for further assistance. You might find specific troubleshooting steps tailored to the application.

Advanced Troubleshooting (for Technically Adept Users)

For users comfortable with the Terminal application on macOS, here are some advanced troubleshooting steps:

  • Identify the Application Bundle:

    • Open Terminal and navigate to the Applications folder using the cd /Applications command.
    • List all directories using ls to find the application experiencing the error.
  • Check for Corrupted Application Files:

    • Use the ls -l command followed by the application directory name (e.g., ls -l TextEdit.app) to view file details.
    • Look for any files with unusual permissions or timestamps, which could indicate corruption.
  • Repair Disk Permissions:

    • In Terminal, type diskutil repairPermissions / (with a space after the /). Enter your administrator password when prompted. This might take some time depending on your disk size.
  • Recreate Application Support Files:

    • Caution: Proceed with caution as this might remove application preferences.
    • Navigate to the user Library folder using cd ~/Library. (Note: The tilde (~) represents your home directory.)
    • Locate the folder corresponding to the problematic application (e.g., TextEdit) and move it to the Desktop.
    • Launch the application again. It will recreate the support files, potentially resolving the issue.

Remember: These advanced steps involve modifying system files. It’s crucial to back up your data before proceeding and exercise caution if you’re unfamiliar with the Terminal.


By following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be well-equipped to tackle the “errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=impossible de trouver le raccourci spécifié.&errorcode=4” error on your Mac. Remember, a systematic approach, starting with verifying the shortcut file and its location, often leads to a swift resolution. If the error persists, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from the application’s developer or online communities. By implementing these strategies and maintaining good system hygiene, you can ensure a smooth and error-free Mac experience.